quarta-feira, novembro 15, 2006

[85 / 21 Things I Also Want In A Lover]

Já que não tem havido um único nome a invadir o meu “departamento emocional íntimo” há alguns meses, talvez não seja má ideia usar este meio para fazer umas filtragens.
A Alanis Morissette escreveu a letra da música “21 Things I Want In A Lover”.

Acho pertinente considerar a minha versão (não sobreposta à da Alanis, mas sim complementar).

Are you visionary?
Are you good at observing others?
Do you often feel the warmth on your brain when you’re engaged in truly deep thoughts?
Do you feel the majority of other people tend to be superficial even when they want to be seriously responsible?
Do you see beyond the phenotype (outfit and looks)?
Do you expand yourself by liberating your thoughts from narrow-minded cultural points of view?
Are you sensitive, competent and reliable?
Do you not steal others’ chances to be heard?
Do you reinforce discreetly those who are really crawling for it, rather than to point it as their flaw before the reinforcement is given?
Do you not mind exposing your pure thoughts even if there is a risk of them being labelled as ridiculous in front of the blind and unsharped minds, believing that someone else in the crowd will be noticing the sublimity of your acts?
Do you feel you can be the safety rope of someone with special qualities (won’t you let that someone down when you know you’re truly needed?)?
Do you respect other points of view and motivations, as long as they’re harmless to the population?
Are you on your way for your plausible internal workings to be widespread?
Do you have a baggage of justified extreme emotions?
Are you afraid of common sense?
Are you adaptable to different relevant contexts?
Are you mentally challenging?
Do you like to explore fruitful minds because you know you can actually learn precious teachings from it?
Do you feel your uniqueness is not understood?
Are you open-minded and experimental?
Haven’t you felt any difficulties at all fitting these 20 aspects (I’m a bit tired of those who fit everything perfectly but just on the surface)?

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Que tal fazer uns flyers com estas perguntas e distribuir pelas caixas do correio? Mas acrescentado o teu número de telemóvel. Assim, caso alguém se encaixasse nelas todas, ligava-te e faziam um encontro romântico.
Espera...tenho uma ideia mais gira (onde eu entro): alugas um helicoptero (ou um caleidoscópio voador) que sobrevoasse o mundo e, alguém ia lá dentro (é aqui que entro eu) a atirar os flyers cá para baixo!ah...e podia também ir outra pessoa com um megafone a dizer "Raparigas de todo o mundo, leiam os papéis para conhecerem o vosso príncipe!". Que dizes?
Bem...se não gostares de nenhuma destas sugestões podes sempre ligar para a SIC e suplicar que substituam a Floribella pelo antigo Ponto de Encontro, onde todos os encontros são possíveis!
Good Luck!

The Perfect Drug disse...

Dificilmente encontrarás alguém que preencha todos estes requisitos...Não podemos ser tão "picky"...Ou talvemos devamos sê-lo. Vamos esperar e ver:)