domingo, setembro 03, 2006

[75 / A Lição]

Hi Alanis. I know this is my second entry, but I really want you to take a look at this picture.
I found it a few years ago in my Psychology book and I fell in love with it.The picture was taken by an artist called Ana Esquível. The title of the picture is "A Lição" (The Lesson).
I think this picture portrays in an excellent way the whole process of socialization or the introduction to this unchosen heritage: culture.
The girl seems to be such a rebel and fresh human being. The old man is the one who possesses the popular wisdom and he is teaching a part of it to the girl. Therefore, the girl's rebelness is being silently tamed. A slow and effective brainwash that will have positive and negative consequences: the girl will be given the chance to fit in her culture, but at the same time her thoughts will also be "contaminated" by ethnocentrism.

João Gil Martins